Helen Morris is an Interstitial Lung Disease specialist nurse at UHSM. She graduated from the University of Salford with a nursing diploma in 1998. She worked at UHSM in acute medicine on a general medical ward and a medical assessment unit.
She developed an interest in respiratory medicine during this time and began work on the acute respiratory wards at UHSM in 2001 as a senior staff nurse. She studied for her degree whilst working on the respiratory wards and became ward sister. Helen left UHSM to work in the community in 2006 as an Active Case Manager in Central Manchester looking after a caseload of patients with complex long term conditions.
In 2009 Helen returned to UHSM as a COPD specialist nurse working in the community and acute setting and the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service. In 2013 she started working at UHSM as the Interstitial Lung Disease specialist nurse.
Helen is very well know to the members of support group, along with her colleagues Katie Zakis and Tracey Marshall., many of our members attend Wythenshawe hospital on a regular basis. Helen, despite her very busy schedule, always tries to visit us twice a year. She and her dedicated team are held in high esteem amongst our members.
They won the Nursing Times Awards for Respiratory Nursing in 2018 and have been short listed in this years awards for Respiratory Nursing
- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Introducing a regional virtual support group for pulmonary fibrosis patients and relatives during Covid-19
The winners of the 31st Nursing Times Awards will be announced at a glittering evening ceremony at the Grosvenor Park Hotel 86-90 Mayfair London on 27th October 2021. We wish them every success.
Helen and her team have been very proactive in supporting our campaign for the new Wythenshawe Satellite Clinic soon to be opened at Bolton One, once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and face to face clinics resume.