Manchester Airport celebrates its regional roots with 80 oak trees up for grabs
Communities across the region are being given the chance to apply for a commemorative oak tree and time capsule as part of Manchester Airport’s 80th birthday celebrations.
The UK’s third largest airport announced earlier in the year its intention to plant 80 oak trees to mark the milestone, as part of a wider programme of activity.
Oak symbolises 80 years and the airport is searching for local organisations that would like to have a tree planted in their grounds to join the celebrations. The English Oak is one of the best known native trees, with the gifted tree being 4-6ft tall before growing up to a magnificent 130ft tall with a broad crown and open canopy allowing light to seep through to the ground below.
Each successful applicant will also get a special time capsule to plant alongside the tree, which will come with an item from Manchester Airport, such as an 80th birthday commemorative badge, and can then be filled with items of their choice. With the usual lifespan of an oak tree being around 200 years, and some living over 1,000 years, the time capsule will be a fantastic opportunity to leave a lasting legacy for future generations.
Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis made a detailed submission to see if we could granted one of the 80 might oak trees.
To whom it may concern,
On behalf of the Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group I would like to submit an application to be considered for one of the 80 oak trees and time capsules.
We are a newly formed support group made up of men and women who live with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, which is a terminal disease with a life expectancy from diagnosis of between three and 5 years. At present there is no known cause for the disease although research is ongoing and subsequently no cure. The only treatment available, at present is drugs and medications to slow down the progression of the disease. Unfortunately a lot of General Practitioners and Hospital Consultants are aware that the condition actually exists. It is this reason that patients go undiagnosed until the later stages of the disease. The planting of one of the commemoratory trees would bring more attention and make more people aware of this little know condition. A fitting place for the tree to be planted would be?
I thought the Oak Tree would be the perfect representation for our group in many appropriate and fitting ways:
- The group being formed this year, it would be fitting tribute, both germinated and established in the same year 2018.
- Both having the will and determination to grow in strength and become recognised.
- The branches of the lungs being represented by the trunk and branches of the tree as represented in our logo.
- Both supporting life and providing resources for the benefit and future of others
- Remembering that “from little acorns great things grow”
Our Time Capsule would contain items related to Pulmonary Fibrosis and present day knowledge of the disease. The names of the members of the Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group and its officials, along with the consultants who are treating and supporting us at this present time. We would look to having the tree planted in the grounds of the hospital or hospice.
Knowing the tree will be around long after its present members have passed on and possibly the group. It will be a reminder that people cared and gave their time and effort to support each other, to give recognition when it was needed.
If we are unsuccessful I wish every success to each and every organisation and cause that will be represented by the mighty oak
Many thanks
I am delighted to announce that we were successful in our application. We are to collect our 5 foot Oak Tree and Time Capsule at the end of November from Manchester Airport. Discussions are now taking place with Royal Bolton Hospital for a Tree Planting Ceremony in early December. Date to be announced.