Commemorative Oak Tree Planting Royal Bolton Hospital

Commemorative Oka Tree Royal Bolton Hospital
Chairman Steve and Secretary John Latham placing the first spade of earth
Senior Chest Physician Dr S. Raza He is also part of the Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Medical Team
Oak Tree memorial planting in the grounds of the Royal Bolton Hospital
Invited guests
Darren Knight CEO Bolton CVS
Dr Si yid Raza Lead Pulmonary Consultant
Michaela Bowden
Lorna McLaughlan Regional Coordinator Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Steve Morgain-Hyland Trustee Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Jonathan Challis Community Relations Manchester Airport
Marie Foreshaw Deputy Director of Nursing and Midwifery Royal Bolton Hospital
Bridgett Lees Divisional Nurse Director Acute Adults Bolton NHS

Manchester Airport Time Capsule
The Time Capsule Awarded Along with an Oak Tree by Manchester Airport
Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group
Secretary John Chairman Steve
Lorna McLaughlan
Regional Coordinator Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis
The Contents of the Time capsule

The contents of the Time Capsule starting from upper Left Information on Smartphone App by the company patientMpower based in Dublin Ireland It is used for measuring, monitoring and recording pulmonary fibrosis patients vital signs, Pulse, Oxygen Saturation, Blood Pressure, Weight, Number of Steps taken over 24 hours. It also calculates the patients FVC via a Bluetooth connected Spirometrer. A recording of a webinar that CEO Eamonn Costello presented as guest speaker to our group.

patientMpower Logo

Next Information and copy of Newsletter from Action For Pulmonary Fibrosis, which is the Main Registered Charity for Pulmonary Fibrosis Along with a A4PF lapel badge, ballpoint pen and wristband

Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis Logo

Royal Bolton Hospital Photographs of Present Consultants Nursing Staff. Chart of present drug and inhalers Protocols and Reports, Site Map of the Hospital layout, Information Video of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Class.

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership Grant Application Forms and required evidence to support the application. Support Group Aims and Objectives, Constitution and Membership Rules. List of costings of assets, running costs, Nice (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) report outlining the need for Pulmonary Services and Rehabilitation in the Northwest.

We were successful in our application for a grant and awarded £4,195.00 a year for two years, this has secured a healthy and stable future for the Support Group

Health and Social Care Partnership 2

A Collection of Magazine and Newspaper clips of Famous Actors TV Personalities and Celebrates who died from Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Bolton CVS (Community & Voluntary Services) A central hub in the centre of Bolton where we hold our monthly meetings, like so many other charities, support groups and other organisations. They provided information about the centre leaflets, badges , promotion material

CVS Logo

Pack containing all the publicity information and posters, Aims and Objectives, Constitution, Application forms for the Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group, List of Founding and Present Members.

Official Logo Of Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group

CD Recordings of the Radio Interview and Broadcast on Bolton FM Radio of Chairman Steve Secretary John and Lorna Mclaughlan Regional Support Group Coordinator for Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis promoting Pulmonary Fibrosis, We discussed What it is, What are the symptoms, How it is recognised and diagnosed with presenters David Carne and Tony Bridge. They are both avid supporters of the Support Group and keen help promote the awareness of Pulmonary Fibrosis. The second recording is of David and Tony Promoting The Tree Planting Ceremony on our behalf

The final items to go into the time capsule are a full range of leaflets about and relating to Pulmonary Fibrosis along with a DVD “Stay Active Stay Well” available from the British Lung Foundation as well as the Support Group

Bolton Fibrosis