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This can be as small and simple as a coffee morning to something more challenging like running a marathon. How about an auction of promises, quiz night, sponsored slim or “going without”, e.g. take-out coffees and lunches, smoking, TV? Are you good at baking or crafts – everyone loves homemade cakes, cards and jewellery.

Every penny helps in our efforts to give support to our members, and raise public awareness of the effect of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis on their lives.


You can make one-off or regular donations to the Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group. Cheques, made payable to  Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group should be sent to:

Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group

Bolton CVS (The Hub)

Bold Street

Bolton BL1 1LS

To make regular donations please:

Download and complete our Standing Order form and take it to your Bank.

Alternatively you can donate through the JustGiving , see below.



The JustGiving website is an easy way to donate or raise money for charities online. Lots of our members have used it to coordinate fundraising for the group. And the bonus for us is that it allows Gift Aid to be claimed automatically.

Through JustGiving you can make single or monthly donations or set up your own fundraising page. Any donations are then paid straight to the Charity along with Gift Aid where appropriate.

If you have any queries regarding fundraising or making donations, please contact our treasurer. 

    Companies who support Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group

    You can help raise us funds for the Support Group by shopping, book your holiday, chose a leisure break on line with any of the well known companies above. Each of these companies has agreed to support Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group by agreeing to pay a percentage of the cost of the goods to our support group funds.

    All you have to do Click On The Company Required and you will be linked straight to their online shopping website.


    About This Site

    Fundraising page Image

    Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group was formed in February 2018 at the request of the Royal Bolton Hospital Interstitial Lung Disease Team and Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis the National Charity for people diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Since 2013 over 60 support groups like ours have sprung up around the UK.

    The aim of the group is to provide; support and information for people diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, along with their family, friends and carers in an environment where people can learn about their condition, .A place where they can share their thoughts, fears and feelings with other with the same condition..  A place of mutual understanding, care, support and learning,. to facilitate a better quality of life.


    If you would like to make a donation Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group Please do so HERE

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