Saturday 7th September 2019 saw staff from The Royal Bolton Hospital respiratory wards D3/4 gather at Pennington Flash Country Park at 9am. They had gathered to run the 5k to raise funds for Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group.

First 3 to the Finish Line

The Royal Bolton  Respiratory Team from ward D/3 Fun Run

The course is 5000m (5K) long. The course is in Pennington Flash Country Park, Leigh, Greater Manchester. The course is run entirely on gravel paths. Some sections of the course may accumulate mud, leaves and puddles after rain. Dependent on availability, marshals will be at key sections of the course, or signs will be in place.




















The Complete Team of Runners from The Royal Bolton Hospital

The Royal Bolton  Respiratory Team from ward D/3 Fun Run

We are so proud and grateful for the time and effort given by the wonderful and caring staff from The Royal Bolton Hospital. They are a huge support to the group and regularly attend our monthly meetings.

If you wish to make a donation to help support the Bolton Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group visit our Just Giving page and make a small donation. You help and support will make a big difference to people who live with Pulmonary Fibrosis. You can also may a one off donation or a regular monthly donation via Direct Debit for details visit our Fund Raising Page 

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Bolton Fibrosis