Nobody knows what will happen in the future. If you become ill or have an
accident and need treatment and care, you may no longer be able to make
decisions or tell people what’s important to you.
That’s why it’s important to plan ahead and put down on paper what your
wishes and preferences are.
Writing these down and letting people know what they are will help your
family, carers, friends or professionals take care of you, in the way you
would like.
This plan is not a legal document. If you do want to use it, keep it safe so
people can find it and use it to follow your wishes and preferences.
You may already have planned ahead by writing your will. There are other
legal options to think about on page 8
Completing the “what’s important to me” section will help let people know
your likes and dislikes. This is particularly important, for example, if you start
losing your memory.
If you need help filling in this plan, ask a friend or relative. If you have a
health or social care worker, you can ask them. You can also ask someone
from voluntary organisations such as Age UK or Citizens Advice Bureau.
Please keep this document in a safe place with other important papers,
perhaps keep this document in your district nursing file.
Remember to look at your plan and check it from time to time. You can
update it, or write a new one. Let people know if anything changes and tell
people you trust where they can find it.
![Whats Important to me](